is it important of the glasses' function or its pattern?

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Are they optical lens to see things or a fire wall against the Ugg Boots or a match for all our clothes in the wardrobe? Today we have to admit that glasses are more a symbol of fashion and culture than a tool enabling us to see the world more clearly. Today, we have to admit - Cheap Ugg Boots are not only tool for us to see the world more clearly but also a sign for fashion culture. They are huge glasses used to act cool. The lenses of the pilot-style glasses are so large that they can cover more than half the face.Although the design was meant to serve as a window shield for the aviator, now it's one of the play-cool methods since half of the face is hidden behind the glasses. What's more, your dark circles around your eyes could also be covered up. It won't be hard for you to notice that, ray bans on sale rank the first place from the new releases of the famous brands. As for the style, Ray-ban sunglasses for men or Ray-ban sunglasses for women tends to be tough. It is more suitable to boys or lively and handsome girls.In clothes matches, concision and competence is the key. A high-waist jacket with a flavor of business wear, as well as a refined windbreaker can be matched. When matching with clothes, brief and trim is important. It can match with high-waist coat of the taste of formal clothing, and that it matches with stylish overcoat is ok. LOGO is becoming more and more refined. Today brand culture is increasingly being emphasized, so LOGO is naturally one side we can not ingore.Each brand leaves its own mark in jointed area of lenses and the mirror support. For example, f Ray-ban sunglasses has a mark of shield in the centre part. Hence many brands stress their LOGO designs. Those who value LOGOs must also value brands too, since a LOGO is an embodiment of a brand. Ultraviolet rays prevention function: Strong ultraviolet light is easy to do harm to the eyes. UV light shines the eyes directly. The eyes will even more form thin wrinkles.As a result, better to wear a pair of Ray-ban sunglasses to block the harm of UV rays. It is recommended by experts in spectacle industry that we had better choose spectacles which can absorb both UVA and UVB so that the filtered light will do no harm to the eyes. The most comfortable lens color for the eyes is eyish-green. Because such lenses help to maitain the original colors of objects. However, lenses in tawny or yellow will change the color of the scenery we see. The measures on protecting our eyes are as follows: wear a pair of fashionable and cheap ray bans sunglasses and do not form the bad habit of winking your eyes. On maintenance, first of all, you should use the sunscreen lotion with the quality assurance. If you ingore sunscreen, lots of skin care products are invalid. In your heart, is it important of the glasses' function or its pattern?